High-speed washing machine with load capacity from 10Kg up to 110 Kg.
This machine is really easy to install and ensures minimum space and maximum performance. All-stainless steel exterior structure.
- Stainless Steel Inner and Outer Drum.
- Single Motor Drive with Inverter Frequency Control.
- Free Standing. No Fixings On The Ground with Developed Springs and Shock Absorbers
- Main frame in aluminum PLC Controlled Full Colorful 7” Touchscreen Panel.
- Recipe preparation, upload/download, recipe transfer to desired machines, updates of parameters or versions by remote access thru ethernet (Option).
- Reporting of consumptions and operating times.
- Programming in simple basic or professional mode .
- Adjustable Drum Speed.
- Adjustable spin speed (Low-Medium-High-Superior)
- Adjustable water temperature.
- Adjustable water level (Low-Medium-High or water counter option)
- Adjustable Washing Time.
- Manual Interference During The Process.
- Manual Operating Of Each Step.
- Reporting of consumptions and operating times: water, steam, electricity and chemical products usage.
Washer technical information
NDUSTRIAL TYPE COLUMN WASHER AND DRYER, designed to offer a combined washer-dryer machine with a vertical configuration. Totally independent pace-saving, it can be installed on any floor and at any level.
- Drum volume: 100 lt.
- Loading capacity: 10 kg/batch.
- Maximum extraction: 940 rpm (300 G).
- Microprocessor control unit.
- Touch screen control panel TWC 500.
- Electric heating.
- Viton seals.
Dryer technical information
- Drum Volume: 200 lt.
- Loading capacity: 10 kg.
- Touch screen control panel TDC 500.
- Chest inverter.
- Cooling.
- Belt and pulley drive with gearbox.
- Stainless Steel Inner and Outer Drum.
- Single motor drive with independent inverter frequency control.
- ST-37 steel counterweight system.
- Aluminium main hoop system.
- 100 programs (13 fix and re-programmable 99 steps each).
- Manual intervention during the process.
- Manual operation of each phase.
- Disconnection of the last 30 errors.
Unique SMARTEX MIRACLE high-speed washing machine. World’s most advanced washing technology and world’s most economical washing systems. Load capacity from 60 kg up to 340 kg.
Thanks to the patented POLYRIB ECO drum, the life of fabrics is extended by 45%.
No more creases, abrasion or undesired effects with the help of multiple ribs and no more damages or harms on delicates.
Reduced water consumption by 35-40% due to the absence of water between inner and outer drum, less than 50 % of steam consumption, less chemicals and waste water.
Less energy consumption with smaller motors
Forward tilt system for unloading.
Stainless steel front cover plate, and use of 316 stainless steel for parts in contact with chemicals.
All-pneumatic control system, no hydraulic systems.
Special separate sealed bearing system.
Front loading door with automatic closing and safety lock.
Remote access recipe preparation, upload &download, recipe transfer to desired machines and software updates via remote access thru ethernet.
Reporting performance and maintenance reporting ability consumptions of water, steam, electricity, chemicals etc along with productivity.
Steam or Gas heating.
Barrier washer for hospitals, clinics and long-term care facilities.
- These barrier washers are “embedded” in a physical wall separating the loading and unloading side.
- This setup ensures an optimal hygiene avoiding as well the contact between clean and disinfected and dirty linen.
- Front cover plate and parts in contact with chemicals made of 316 stainless steel.
- Internal and external drum in stainless 316.
- Loading capacity: 20-40-60-135-225 kg.
- Inverter-controlled motor drive.
- Electronic control system SC monitored by PLC.
- 100 independent programs (un to 100 programming steps each).
- Constant water level measurement.
- 5 electrically controlled internal chemical entry compartments.
- 2 water inlet control (hot/cold).
- Special separate sealed bearing system.
- Viton seals around the shaft.
- Loading frontal door equipped with authmatic closing and safety lock.
- Front panel bumper bar.
- Programs and settings transfer by USB.
- Programming, upload/download, program transfer to the desired machines.
- Settings or remote versions access update by ethernet.